Blue Pearl Life Design

Helping you discover those little pearls of inner wisdom within yourself.

The techniques used by Blue Pearl Life Design can help you:
* Diffuse Anger
* Create Positive Outlook
* Improve Self Confidence
* Increase Focus and Motivation
* Manage Stress and Reduce Anxiety
* Accelerated Learning and Improved Memory
* Powerful Public Speaking and Communication
* Stop Smoking and other addictions
* Cease Binge Drinking
* Fearless Flying
* Manage Pain
* Accelerated Injury Healing
* Achievable Permanent Weight Loss
* Gain Insight and end Bulimia and Anorexia
* Self-hypnosis
* Blissful Deep Sleep
* End Depression
* Workable Relationship Insights
* Understand and cease Jealousy
* Freedom from Negative Thinking

Contact Blue Pearl Life Design:
M: 0412 777 111

* Clinical Member Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA)
* National Council of Clinical Hypnotherapists Australia
* Professional Hypnotists of Western Australia (PHWA)
* American Board of Hypnotherapy

* Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment
* Diploma in Professional Counselling

Consulting/business services